Friday, December 7, 2012

Moving On

Ok, so I really hate to do this, but I am no longer able to post pictures on the blog do to running out of room.  So, I have decided to move the blog to a new address.  If you still want to follow along on the blog, I will continue it at the new address.  Please change the blog address in your favorites, and if you are a follower, make sure to change the address through blogger.  The new address is:
Come on over and enjoy pictures and updates of our sweet little kids!

Saturday, December 1, 2012


We has such a special treat for Thanksgiving this year when Nick and Teresa came to visit.  Tim took a vacation week and we just played.  It was so great to just hang out and show them the area.  We took a day trip to DC and got to see more things that were new to us.  
Thank you so much for coming you guys.  It does our heart good to catch up with our besties from the past. XO

Oh Christmas Tree

Since Tim and I have been married, it has always been a debate as the whether we should have a real tree or a fake tree.  I always grew up with  fake tree.  I think we probably had the same tree my whole life, it lived in the attic in the off season, and I never thought anything about it.  Well, when I met Tim, he informed me that a fake tree was just not going to work for him.  So since then we have gone out every year and cut down a real tree.  When we looked into getting a tree this year, we realized it was going to cost way too much for a tree that was just going to be put in the trash in a few weeks.  So, Tim looks and me and says "Let buy a fake one."  What???  Are you stinking kidding me?  It was not even my idea.  
Can I just tell you how easy it is to put up a fake tree?  The lights are already on, it doesn't prick your hands putting the decorations on, and there are no needles on the floor!  Even Tim said that putting up a fake one was much nicer.
Carter loves everything to do with Christmas, and I think putting up the tree is a highlight of his year.  We had to put it up before Thanksgiving so Tim would be able to help since his schedule in so crazy in December.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

5 Months

Little girls are so fun!

Mastering the sippy cup!!  Kinley can now get her milk from another source besides her Mama!!

This little boy says he wants to marry a lot of girls so they can have a lot of babies!  Maybe he has been watching too much Sister Wives!  But, he does say he wants us to have more babies.  When we ask him if he wants another brother or another sister, he replies "both"!

Kinley gets up on her hands and knees and starts rocking back and forth.  It will not be long now until she is in a full out crawl.  She already puts her head down and pushes with her feet to get where she wants.

So sweet!
We love you Kinley, it is hard to believe you are already 5 months old.  You and Carter are the best of friends.  When we pick him up from preschool, you start laughing and smiling as soon as he hops in the car.  Makes this Mama so proud!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sweet Tater

Kinley got her first taste of sweet potatoes and it was a big hit!  She is going to be a good eater, I can tell.  I decided to make my own baby food this time, so Kinley will hopefully get only the good stuff.  This weekend we gave her bananas and boy did she like those!  I am trying to give her rice cereal right before bed in hopes that she will sleep longer...  It doesn't seem to be working since last night she was up every 2 hours. :(  We still love you sweet Kinley, don't worry!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

4 Months

Where is the time going?  Kinley had her 4 month check up this week (at 4.5 months, so a bit late!)  She is doing great, we are still trying to figure out her acid reflux meds, but other then that she is doing amazing.  It seems like her breathing is improving while she is eating, so that is a good sign.  With LM, you expect their breating to contiune to get worse until about 6 months, and then start improving.
Weight: 13.3 pounds (30th%)
Height: 25.2 inches (65th% )
Whooop Whooop, we have a kid on the growth charts!!  Amazing!!!
We have decided to start her on food since she has been showing a lot of interest in eating.  I also wanted to start her on rice cereal at night in hopes that she will sleep a bit better.  Kinley still has nights where she is up every 3 hours!  Gosh, I am sure I am being punished since Carter was sleeping 12 hours by 5 weeks of age!


We have survived our first hurricane!  Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast on October 29th.  We were told to expect some major damage here in Hershey so we prepared for the worst.  We were stocked up on water and canned goods, and we were ready for our power to be out for a few days.  Luckily, we missed the worst of it and Sandy was kind to us.  There was some strong wind for a long time, and tons of rain, but nothing else to complain about.  The power even stayed on for us.  Those who live closer to the coast are telling a different story however.  When I see pictures of the devastation in towns just a few short hours from us, it breaks my heart.  Our prayers are with them!  

This is what we found in our room during the storm since he was too scared to sleep by himself!
We were stuck inside for a few days, and it lead to some pretty crazy kids!

All About Us

I am a stay at home Mom (used to be nurse) to a beautiful baby boy. My husband is in Medical School. This is our story of surviving the challenges life puts before us!


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