Sunday, May 31, 2009

Elsie Elsie Elsie

Sweet Elsie came into town for a visit to good ol' Kirksville. She was such a great sport to go out to the state park with me and take some great pictures of Carter. Plus, she took some good ones of Carter and Me. I always enjoy visiting with Elsie. She is one of the strongest, most courageous women I know. We have missed having her here in Kirksville these past few months. Good luck with all your travels Elsie, we love you!!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

We got a Toothie!

My baby boy has his first tooth!!!! Time to bring on the steak!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


I have officially taught Kenai a new trick. All I say is "Diaper" and she runs over to where the diapers are kept, grabs one, and then brings it right to my lap. It is so helpful when you have already sat down on the floor to change Carter and you realize that you don't have a diaper. Kenai is such a good big sister!!! It may be a little slobbery, but it is so worth it!!! Pictures of her doing this sweet task to come at a later date!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


OK, I will just post pictures, since that is all anyone wants anyways. Here is a mix of what has been going on these past few weeks, from our final BBQ at the house, to playing at the graveyard with the dogs!

Friday, May 22, 2009

5 Months!

My sweet boy is 5 months old! I can not believe how fast this time with him has gone. Tim and I have been so blessed with such a wonderful baby. This morning I laid him down on the blanket on his back and he pulled off a double roll (from back to belly to back to belly). He can really get pretty far on the carpet when he does that. He has also been pulling his little legs up to his chest when he is on his belly and propelling himself forward. It will not be long before we have to baby proof everything. He is such a ham, always smiling and cooing at us. Ahhh, he just makes my heart happy. He is still sleeping about 10-12 hours every night, and takes 2-3 good naps during the day. Carter and Kenai have really started to bond this week also. Carter will watch Kenai move all around the room. Then Kenai will come over to where he is on the floor and lay down next to him. Carter has started to reach out for her and pet her. It is super cute. And, Kenai loves it, I just know it.

Friday, May 15, 2009

More Pictures

Here are some more pictures from Ernest. It does not seem real that this happened in the little town we live in.


Here are some more pictures, thanks Ernest for the great photography!!! This is Tim and Sarah Hellmann's house. We have not heard if Baby Noah has been born yet.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Hellmann's

Here is the link to the interview our friend Tim did! Soon the baby boy will be coming! Their home was right across the street from the car dealership that you have seen many pictures about.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Storm of the Century

To all you out there who heard Kirksville had a tornado, it is true! It touched down about 2 miles from our home. I heard all the tornado sirens going off, and then the lights started to flash on and off. At that time I got Tim up from his nap and told him we might want to think about doing something. Honestly, we have had so many false alarms since we have lived here, we did not think anything of it. At about that time, the tornado touched down at 6:00 pm. Many of our classmates homes have been destroyed or damaged in some way. And, they have been reporting one death so far. We are so thankful to be unharmed! Carter, Tim, Kenai and I have just survived our first tornado!! Please pray for those that we not so lucky tonight.
Thanks to Heather Shook for the photos that I stold from her! Many of the pictures of are students homes.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

Yesterday was my very first Mother's Day. It was a great and wonderful day even though Tim had to study for his finals. I told him I wanted to sleep in, so if he could get up with Carter that would be great. It was really funny because as soon as Carter made one little peep, Tim jumped out of bed to get him. Now, don't get me wrong, it was nice, but funny. When Carter used to get up at all hours of the night, I asked Tim why he never got up with him. His response was that he did not hear him. So, if he could not hear Carter crying at the top of his little lungs for minutes on end, how in the world was he able to hear him make one little peep on Mother's Day. I think he has been found out!
Timmy and Carter made me breakfast and then let me open my present. They has gotten me a pack to carry Carter in for when we go hiking in Utah. It is super sweet, and I hope Carter really loves it. Here's to lots of hikes in the Mountains boys!! Thanks for a wonderful Mother's day.
Happy Mother's Day to the Grandma's! We love you and miss you like crazy! Hope you had a great day!
We let Carter try his fist bite of rice cereal on Saturday. He was super cute, and kind of liked it. He took the spoon right out of my hand to do it himself. I have a feeling he is going to be a very independent kido.

Friday, May 8, 2009


It was such a beautiful day today! Jessica and I met at the Grave Yard to let the dogs play, and I ended up bring the camera, so it kind of turned into a photo shoot. The boys are so cute together, and I was able to get some really good shots. Wish Timmy luck, he had his last class today and will be starting finals on Monday!!!
Warning: These pictures are adorable, you might find yourself flying down to Missouri just so you can get some loves from these sweet boys!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Sweet Boy

Carter seems to be growing up so fast, I can not believe he is 4 months old!! I have so much fun taking pictures of him, I really want to take a photography class so I can get a lot of good shots. Carter will hardly stay on his back now when I lay him down, he just automatically pulls off a roll. So sweet!! And, for the best news, the past few day he really picked up the speed of his eating. Instead of it taking me an hour to feed him, he is now eating in about 20 minutes!! What a blessing. I hope this is a sign that things are looking up for him and that we will make it though his struggles.

All About Us

I am a stay at home Mom (used to be nurse) to a beautiful baby boy. My husband is in Medical School. This is our story of surviving the challenges life puts before us!


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