Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sick Boy

Tuesday night Carter came down with a fever and has been feeling horrible since.  He has fought a fever all week, stuffy nose, and extreme fatigue.  All he wanted to do was sit in my lap and cuddle.  The worst part is all he wants to do is sleep, but he is unable to breathe.  It is horrible watching him struggle for a breath like this.  Stuffy noses are sooo bad on him.  It is just confirmation to Tim and me that the mandibular distraction failed for him because the pin pulled through his bone.  And confirmation that we need to get him help once again so he can actually get some good rest.  Because Carter has been so tired, you will find him resting in the oddest of places.  Like, at the top of the stairs:  

Yes, he is asleep.


Teresa Deuling May 1, 2010 at 10:26 PM  

Oh poor baby! He almost made it to the top! I will pray extra hard for him to get feeling better! Love and miss you guys!

Laci May 2, 2010 at 6:19 AM  

awww...poor little guy!

All About Us

I am a stay at home Mom (used to be nurse) to a beautiful baby boy. My husband is in Medical School. This is our story of surviving the challenges life puts before us!


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