Carter has continued to keep me on my toes this past month. Many of you know that we started him on Prevacid about a month ago to help with his acid reflux. Everything was going along great, until the diarrhea started. Carter was actually eating more, and actually eating some real foods. But, the diarrhea started and would not stop. So, my little man has been suffering for close to a month now. He is very irritable and just not feeling well. We went to see his pediatrician earlier this week. I expressed my concerns to her that I thought he had C-diff. (I would like to use this moment to inform everyone that Tim thought I was crazy about the C-diff stuff, and thought I was over reacting). So, she sent us home to get a stool sample and also gave us some referrals to the GI clinic at Primary's.
Well, we got super lucky because the FUN Clinic had a cancellation and they were able to get us in today (we had set up an appointment for July 22nd!!) The FUN clinic involves a gastroenterologist, a social worker, a nutritionist, and also a nurse. And we see them all in one appointment. It was 2 hours long, but really good for us. They felt we were getting all the right care for Carter, and were happy to see we were using all our resources. Long story short, we have a new game plan for Carter. First, he has C-Diff!!! Yes, I was right (In the doctor's words: "Why have a lab when you can just have a nurse sniff this stuff out?") So we got him on a horrible antibiotic to hopefully clear that up. Second, we are going to start him on a lower dose of Pepcid and hope it does not completely clear out his GI system like the Prevacid did. Third, we are going to have 5 meals a day for the little man. Yes people, 5!!! And, if things do not start looking up on the eating side of it all, we are going to start him on some meds to help empty his stomach faster so he might actually get hungry. Are you exhausted yet? So, we have another doctor to add to Carter's list. We really enjoyed this doctor and we will be seeing him in another 6 weeks. No news yet on his sleep study, I will let you all know when we get those results.

Carter with his stool sample! :)