Saturday, June 6, 2009

Week in Review

Here is a run down of what happened this week:
- June 2nd: Kenai turned 2 years old!! We love you sweet girl!
- June 2nd was also Carter's last drop of breast milk. We made it 5 months on breast milk big boy, all of which were out of a bottle.
- I started packing our lives up in boxes for the big move out West.
- Carter and I went to the Amish store and bought them out of popcorn. The girl looked at me funny when I told her this was my Dad's favorite kind, and we were moving, so I needed all they had. I guess the Amish just aren't into popcorn like Dad.
- We lowered the price of our home, once again. Almost free today...
- We found out the date of Tim's orientation was changed and it now falls right in the middle of our trip to Coeur d'Alene. Punks!
- Michelle finally brought over the big guns when it comes to meat. It took 2 years, but we finally got the steaks out of her. And here she had us thinking she just had ground meat and chicken.
- Carter bit himself with his new tooth.
- And last but not least: Tim stayed at school all week to study for boards. Only 2 weeks left!!!!!


Anonymous June 7, 2009 at 12:30 AM  

Where is my steak?

Anonymous June 8, 2009 at 9:20 AM  

Oh no! So when are you going to be in Coeurd'Alene? You better still be coming....

Anonymous June 8, 2009 at 10:35 PM  

what a cute little boy Carter is. He looks JUST like his daddy!!!

All About Us

I am a stay at home Mom (used to be nurse) to a beautiful baby boy. My husband is in Medical School. This is our story of surviving the challenges life puts before us!


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