Sunday, May 31, 2009

Elsie Elsie Elsie

Sweet Elsie came into town for a visit to good ol' Kirksville. She was such a great sport to go out to the state park with me and take some great pictures of Carter. Plus, she took some good ones of Carter and Me. I always enjoy visiting with Elsie. She is one of the strongest, most courageous women I know. We have missed having her here in Kirksville these past few months. Good luck with all your travels Elsie, we love you!!!


Elsie June 1, 2009 at 9:25 PM  

You are so sweet- thank you! Being with you two was one of the highlights of my day yesterday, it was so fun. One of my favorite quotes was "Harley!!! Get over here!!!" hahahah.
Thanks for such a fun afternoon - I miss you! loves.

All About Us

I am a stay at home Mom (used to be nurse) to a beautiful baby boy. My husband is in Medical School. This is our story of surviving the challenges life puts before us!


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