Color Me Green
It turned into summer this week! We have been enjoying 80 degree weather by playing outside and letting this little boy run his legs off. He just melts my heart. I love you so much little Carter, you are my angel!!! 

Carter was so excited to get out and play on the slides again!
Our little family ready for the St.Patty's Day parade!
My little Leprechaun!
Even Kenai got in the spirit!
And finally, 27 Weeks! I am so excited for this little girl to get here! I am trying to treasure each day with Carter, while it is just the two of us hanging out at home. I know he will make an amazing big brother, but I still feel a little guilty for bringing some competition into his life. Carter will talk to my belly and tell the baby girl that he is her big brother, and then he asks her what her name is! It is precious. Favorite thing Carter said to me this week: "Mommy, why did you eat a baby?" :)
Haha Carter! Why DID you eat a baby Amber? :) How funny! You look great! Carter makes an awfully cute Leprechaun! Love you guys!
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