Results are In
All the test results are in for little Carter. I have been having people calling wanting to know all the findings, so here it is for you all. Do you like the bad news or the good news first? I prefer the bad stuff first, so here we go:
CT (head)
- Right side of jaw smaller than left (No new news here, we knew that)
- Small chin (didn't need a fancy test for that)
- Open airway
- Adenoids are HUGE (have to have them removed)
CT (Chest with Contrast): add on test after findings from scope
- Accessory bronchi going to right lung
- Have to make appointment with General Surgeon to discuss what this will mean for Carter
- My interpretation: Carter is just more special than we ever thought
- Chiari 1 Malformation
- Flow of spinal fluid is being interrupted
- Have to make appointment with Neurosurgery to discuss what this will mean
- If you don't know what this is, Google will do wonders for you
- Perfect :)
- See, I told you there was good news!
Sleep Study
- Apnea: 0.8 (That would be like nothing!)
- Lowest oxygen dropped was 83% for just a second
- Snoring noted (which could clear up once adenoids are removed)
- No longer needs to wear CPAP
- Best news was have had in a long time!
So there you have it. When we scheduled Carter for all these studies, I was thinking we were just going to get information on how to improve his breathing at night. I had this thought in the back of my head that we could find out something else unwanted, but that was all it was, just a thought. So now that we have the information, we get to try and figure it all out.
I love you dear Carter. We will figure all this out, and hopefully it will just be a memory soon enough. You are tougher than any person I know, and I know you will handle this like the champ you are.
Yeah for the good sleep study! Yeah for the clean echo! Boo for the other things! I hope everything goes well. I know he will handle everything like a champ!
I love you guys!
Oh dear! That's no good :( Love you!
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