Sunday, July 17, 2011


This weekend we went to a pick your own blueberry farm.  Not the blueberry picking I am used to, but it was better than nothing.  Carter was a really good picker at first, and refused to eat any berries.  But, something made him try a blueberry, and that was the end of him filling up his bucket.  From there on out, everyone went into his mouth.  It was a fun time hanging out with my tiny family.  Today I attempted my first batch of jelly, Blueberry Rhubarb.  It was lots of work, but delish!



~Simply Brooklynn~ August 4, 2011 at 2:51 PM  

Hi!! This is so random, I know...but I saw your "About Me" and it caught my eye. =) I am an EMT Paramedic student, with plans of getting my masters in nursing, and my boyfriend is a bio/chem and microbio major going on to med school. =) I was just wondering if you had any advice for us on how to manage the stress, and future children while still in med school, etc. =)
P.S. You have a beautiful family!!

All About Us

I am a stay at home Mom (used to be nurse) to a beautiful baby boy. My husband is in Medical School. This is our story of surviving the challenges life puts before us!


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