Straight Please
Yeah, that is my spine.
Yeah, it should be straight.
Yeah, that is why I have been suffering back pain for 10 years.
Yeah, it is scoliosis.
And Yeah, that sucks.
But, I have started Physical Therapy twice a week so I can learn to take care of my back for the rest of my life. I have to take better care of it, or else I will end up getting rods put in a lot sooner than I want. The Doctor said I have the back of a 70 year old. Awesome! What is more disturbing than the shifting of my spine, is the narrow joint spaces at the bottom. See, that causes a lot of pain. So, lets hope all these stretches and exercises work.
hmm, so that's why your hips are off...a 70 year old huh? yep that sucks! good luck with those stretches! jessica
That sucks!! I did PT after Bella was born for the mild scoliosis I've had forever. The stretches really helped, the only problem was finding the time to do all the exercises! Good luck!
I hear ya. finally got my hips looked at and they are 14mm different. No wonder they hurt so bad. PT and Chiro work does wonders. I hope you have insurance or know someone in the field.
oh my gosh, Amber!!!! :( I hope you can handle it just with pt. My college roomate had s-curve scoliosis and had to do the whole rods/surgery deal. Brutal. :(
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