Pool Time
Carter and I had a fun play date with the neighbor. It has been super hot here, so we went over there to go swimming in their kiddy pool. Carter was hesitant at first, but within minutes was splashing and goofing off. Once the Otter Pops came out, he was sold. It is nice having a friend two doors down, and nice to have a play mate for Carter.
In other Carter news, all seems to be going great. He picks up about 2 words a day, so he is learning like crazy. He was evaluated by a speech therapist this week, and she said he would not have to start therapy until he is 2 since he is doing so good. He continues to enjoy eating real food and is telling me when he is hungry. He has also started to tell me when he has to go potty, but we have yet to make it toilet. I am sure he will be pretty easy to train since he is so advanced for his young age. :) The CPAP is not going that great, since he will not let me put it on his face, but we have not given up yet! One of these days...
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