Today Carter and I headed into the hospital this morning for our check-up with Dr. Muntz. Here is the run down of what we talked about:
~ The palate looks all healed, no hole to be seen!
~ I expressed concerns about his breathing while sleeping might not be the best anymore. We have to do another sleep study (Oh yeah, you know I love 'em!!)
~ Had Carter's hearing tested. Passed with flying colors, and the tubes are working well.
~ Talked about Carter's lack of eating. Dr.Muntz said this is very abnormal for a cleft baby to do this, they usually go to town with their food when they get the palate fixed. So, continue to see the eating specialist, we are also going to sign up for a class at the hospital that has something to do with eating problems. If nothing works, we will probably have to see a Endocrinologist to make sure all his hormones are intact and working well. And, worst case scenario, if Carter completely stops eating on me, gets dehydrated, all that good stuff, he threated a feeding tube. Yes, after almost 14 months, the possibility of Carter having to have a feeding tube is still lingering. Eat my son, I know you can do it!! (Don't worry, this is very worst case, and Carter still likes to eat his Boost everyday, so that should keep him from loosing weight.)
~ Follow up: Dr. Muntz will call us with the results of the Sleep Study and we will go from there. I told him to make sure to call me with happy news after this sleep study.
Oh Boy, that was a BIG sneeze!
Whatever you are feeding him looks disgusting. I wouldn't want to eat it either. Try feeding him a Kolache.
Sleep studies are awesome. I hope I get to have more of them. Well, we already know I will get to. I will really pray for no feeding tube for Carter. I am sure things will get better for him. Give him lots of butta and cream for me.
That kid likes ice cream too much to need a feeding tube! And yes what she is feeding him is disguisting, FAKE peanut butter!!!!
So happy to hear the good report about the hole being healed, and I hope Carter starts eating more soon!!
Amber I just wanted to tell you that Carter is too dang cute! He might be small but he sure is a handsome little guy. Your dog isn't too shabby either :)
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